Five major issues to watch in 2023


Political instability and polarization have been persistent challenges in Pakistan's political landscape. In recent years, Pakistan has witnessed frequent changes in government and military interventions, leading to political uncertainty and instability. This trend is expected to continue in 2023, which is an election year, and a number of political and economic factors are likely to exacerbate the situation.

One of the primary drivers of political instability in Pakistan is polarization. The political landscape has become increasingly fragmented, with several parties vying for power and influence. This fragmentation has made it challenging for the government to implement reforms and tackle issues such as corruption and economic development. The upcoming elections will likely be hotly contested, and there is a risk of violence and unrest. The government will need to work towards creating a stable and peaceful environment for the elections and ensure that the democratic process is fair and transparent.

Another factor contributing to political instability in Pakistan is the role of the military in politics. The military has a history of intervening in politics and has been accused of manipulating elections in the past. The military's influence in politics has led to concerns about the country's democratic process and the role of civilian institutions in governing the country.

In addition to political instability, Pakistan is also facing economic challenges. The country has been grappling with issues such as inflation, rising debt, and low growth rates. These economic challenges are likely to intensify in an election year, with political parties competing to promise populist policies and win votes. The government will need to implement policies to address these economic challenges and boost economic growth.

Overall, political instability, polarization, and economic challenges are likely to make 2023 a challenging year for Pakistan. The government will need to work towards creating a stable political environment and implementing policies to address the country's economic challenges. The upcoming elections will be a test of Pakistan's democratic process and its ability to overcome its persistent challenges.


Pakistan's economic situation has been precarious for several years. The country has struggled with issues such as high inflation, a widening trade deficit, a large fiscal deficit, and low growth rates. These challenges have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent economic disruptions it has caused.

One of the primary drivers of Pakistan's economic challenges is its large current account deficit. Pakistan imports more goods than it exports, which has led to a large trade deficit. This trade deficit has been financed by borrowing from foreign countries, which has increased Pakistan's external debt. The country's external debt has increased to unsustainable levels, making it challenging for the government to service its debt obligations.

Another challenge facing Pakistan's economy is its large fiscal deficit. The government's expenditures have consistently exceeded its revenues, leading to a large budget deficit. This has been fueled by high levels of military spending, as well as subsidies for various industries and social programs. The government has attempted to reduce the fiscal deficit by implementing austerity measures, but these measures have been met with resistance from various stakeholders.

In addition to these challenges, Pakistan's economy has also been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has led to a significant decline in economic activity, with several industries facing a severe downturn. The government has implemented various measures to support the economy, including providing stimulus packages and financial relief to affected industries and individuals.

Overall, Pakistan's economic situation is precarious, with several challenges that need to be addressed. The government will need to implement policies to reduce the trade deficit, control inflation, and boost economic growth. It will also need to work towards reducing the fiscal deficit and managing its external debt. The COVID-19 pandemic has added an additional layer of complexity to Pakistan's economic challenges, and the government will need to continue to provide support to affected industries and individuals.


Pakistan is prone to flooding, with the country experiencing severe floods in recent years. These floods have caused extensive damage to infrastructure, homes, and agriculture, leading to significant economic losses. The government has been working to implement measures to support flood recovery efforts and to reduce the impact of future floods.

One of the primary challenges facing flood recovery efforts is the extent of the damage caused by the floods. Floods can damage homes, businesses, and infrastructure, leading to significant economic losses. The government has implemented various measures to support flood recovery efforts, including providing financial assistance to affected individuals and businesses, rebuilding infrastructure, and repairing damaged agricultural land.

Another challenge facing flood recovery efforts is the impact of climate change. Climate change has led to more frequent and severe weather events, including floods. The government will need to implement measures to reduce the impact of future floods, including implementing better flood management systems and improving infrastructure resilience.

In addition to these challenges, the government will also need to address the root causes of flooding in Pakistan. One of the primary causes of flooding is deforestation, which reduces the ability of forests to absorb rainfall and increases the risk of flooding. The government will need to implement measures to reduce deforestation, such as promoting reforestation and sustainable forestry practices.

Overall, flood recovery efforts in Pakistan face several challenges, including the extent of the damage caused by floods, the impact of climate change, and the need to address the root causes of flooding. The government will need to implement measures to support flood recovery efforts, reduce the impact of future floods, and address the underlying causes of flooding in Pakistan.


Pakistan has faced significant security challenges in recent years, including terrorism, insurgency, and sectarian violence. These security challenges have had a significant impact on the country's economy, society, and political stability. Despite significant efforts by the government to address these challenges, insecurity remains a major concern for Pakistan.

One of the primary sources of insecurity in Pakistan is terrorism. The country has been the target of numerous terrorist attacks in recent years, including bombings, shootings, and suicide attacks. These attacks have caused significant loss of life and damage to infrastructure, leading to economic losses and social instability.

Another source of insecurity in Pakistan is sectarian violence. The country has a significant population of Shia Muslims, who have been targeted by extremist groups in recent years. This has led to significant sectarian violence, including targeted killings, bombings, and other forms of violence.

Insurgency is also a significant source of insecurity in Pakistan. The country has faced insurgencies in several regions, including Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. These insurgencies have led to significant loss of life and damage to infrastructure, leading to economic losses and social instability.

Overall, mounting insecurity in Pakistan remains a significant concern for the country. The government will need to continue to implement measures to address the root causes of insecurity, including poverty, inequality, and political instability. The government will also need to work closely with international partners to address cross-border security challenges and to improve regional stability. Finally, the government will need to continue to implement measures to improve law enforcement and security infrastructure to address the immediate security challenges facing the country.


Civil-military relations have been a long-standing issue in Pakistan. The country has experienced several military coups throughout its history, and the military has played a significant role in the country's politics and governance.

In recent years, civil-military relations in Pakistan have been characterized by tensions between the government and the military. The military has been accused of interfering in the country's political affairs, and there have been concerns about the military's influence on the country's media and judiciary.

One of the key issues in civil-military relations in Pakistan is the question of who holds ultimate power in the country. While Pakistan is officially a democratic country, the military has historically held significant influence over the country's political affairs. This has led to tensions between civilian leaders and military officials, particularly when it comes to issues such as national security and foreign policy.

Another issue in civil-military relations in Pakistan is the question of accountability. The military has historically enjoyed a significant degree of autonomy and has been largely immune from civilian oversight. This has led to concerns about human rights abuses and violations of the rule of law.

Overall, civil-military relations in Pakistan remain a significant challenge for the country. The government will need to work to address the root causes of tensions between civilian and military leaders, including issues related to power-sharing and accountability. The military will need to work to respect civilian authority and to allow for greater civilian oversight of military affairs. Ultimately, improving civil-military relations will be essential for Pakistan's long-term stability and development.
